Badass Normal: Batman once again is the only member of the Justice League without any superpowers, yet steals every scene he is in.Badass Longcoat: Evil Black Canary/Scream Queen sports a noticeable one.Aquaman is told Captain Super is stronger than him:Īquaman: That remains to be seen.Ultraman points out why he is the Boss of Bosses.Superwoman is also the only one fully on board with Owlman's plan to destroy reality, even if she would die as well. Owlman is just as unhinged as she is, but his quiet demeanor means he is at least a lot more discreet about it. Ax-Crazy: Even amongst her fellow supervillains, Superwoman stands out as the most vicious and sadistic member of the Crime Syndicate.Attack! Attack! Attack!: When J'onn J'onzz stops Archer's arrow and shows that he's completely unharmed by it, what does Archer do? Shoot more arrows!.Still, it's a common enough trope in this genre to be ignored.
Artistic License Physics: The QED trigger can't be destroyed because it's Pure Energy, but even if that is true, energy can be converted from one form to another and/or dissipated. Johnny Quick gives his dying approval when he realises Batman set him up to die from Rapid Aging in place of Flash. Superwoman explains that Owlman is her kind of psychopath when he reveals that his plan will destroy reality itself. When Superman says they'll do so without killing them: Armor-Piercing Question: President Slade Wilson insists that it's better to keep an uneasy truce with the Crime Syndicate than let the Justice League try to take them out. Are We There Yet?: "That wasn't funny the first fifteen times you said it either!". The only thing keeping the Crime Syndicate in some form of check is the threat of nuclear retaliation that would destroy them and the rest of humanity if started. Appeal to Force: The Crime Syndicate is so powerful that the police won't act against them and Slade Wilson, the President of the United States, will acquiesce to whatever demands they make of him. The entire surface is barren and only the slightest of traces that there ever was civilization remain. Earth Prime suffered a Class 6, having been knocked out of its orbit. Batman's efforts knock it down to a Class X on an uninhabited Earth. Owlman attempts a Class Z, which Batman ends up foiling. It's pretty hard to hit anything vital on a shapeshifter. All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The Super Family "pops over to the universe next door". All There in the Script: Olympia, the superpowered woman with a spear who fights Wonder Woman and is her Mirror Universe counterpart with regards to powers and origin (Superwoman is actually an analogue to Mary Marvel), is never named in the movie. Adaptation Title Change: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is based on JLA: Earth-2. The Abridged Series: Made by the DCAbridgedUniverse channel on YouTube. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths contains examples of the following tropes: Still, the tone is perfect for a DCAU entry, and the JLU roots are still very obvious-it's implied that this version of the League used to include Hawkgirl, the Flash has the same characterization as JLU, the Watchtower is in the middle of being rebuilt, and Heroes Unlimited is a plot point. It was originally planned as a Justice League Unlimited prequel film, dealing with how the League decided to make the jump to Heroes Unlimited after Starcrossed, but after JLU ended, the project was briefly shelved before being rewritten to be a separate continuity. This direct-to-DVD film, part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies line, is based on Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's JLA - Earth 2. The League agrees, but they're facing off against a world overflowing with supervillains-and Owlman (the counterpart to Batman) has his own deadly agenda. Lex Luthor, in a desperate attempt to stop them, crosses over to the mainstream DC Universe to ask the League for help. Made up of Evil Counterparts of the Justice League, they run an empire of organized, superpowered crime that has all but taken over the world. But on the other end of the spectrum, there is the Crime Syndicate. The human heart is on the right side, and people who we know to be supervillains on our Earth, such as Lex Luthor and Slade Wilson, are some of this mirror-world's greatest heroes. Somewhere, in another universe, there is another Earth where life is reversed.